​National SJP Endorses Freedom is the Future

National Students for Justice in Palestine is proud to endorse Freedom is the Future as part of the Justice for All Campaign. We uplift the five demands made by Palestinians in diaspora who have laid out a vision for justice that is grounded in the fullness of liberation– a vision that articulates what true justice will require. National SJP affirms Palestinian demands for freedom and self-determination, their right to return to their homeland, the space to thrive, and their right to resist for a better world.

The Palestinian struggle is part of a broader transnational struggle for collective liberation. We share this statement of endorsement as a call for individuals and organizations to educate, organize, and advocate to demand that elected representatives end the U.S. government’s longstanding, direct support for Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people.

All around the world, campuses, unions, congregations, associations, and more, continue to lift their voices in support of divestment from Israel. In accordance with the demands of Freedom is the Future, we, student organizers committed to struggling for a more just world, likewise demand that institutions of higher education reinvest in the needs and wants of our communities. We demand that our tuition dollars no longer be used to maintain a system of apartheid and displacement. We demand the alternative that justice requires: divestment from war and militarism, and reinvestment in the safety and well-being of our communities, in healthcare, in the environment, in equitable housing, in labor, in education, in freedom. We demand a future in which Palestinians, and our own black and brown and indigenous and queer and disabled and immigrant and refugee communities in the U.S., have the full authority to determine their futures.

The U.S. will no longer funnel an annual $3.8 billion of taxpayers' money to arm Israel’s military, making U.S. citizens complicit in Zionist crimes against Palestinians. Palestinians in the diaspora will no longer be forced to take part in funding the oppression of their people back home. We demand that the collective power of the people be realized and respected. We affirm that Palestine will be liberated in its totality, from the river to the sea.

On this day, December 10th, International Human Rights Day, we applaud the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights and Adalah Justice Project for their work to amplify Palestinian visions and voices for freedom. Inspired by the Vision for Black Lives, the Red Deal, and the disability rights movement, we call on all people and organizations of conscience to join us in sharing and endorsing Freedom is the Future.

In Solidarity,
National Students for Justice in Palestine